My Top Three Values


Have you practiced expanding your capacity for bliss this week?

It is necessary for mental health, and for fulfilling your mission and purpose as a wise woman leader. If you missed the last article, you can read it here on the blog

Today I have a video to share with you that covers how I expand my capacity for bliss.

I live by my expansive and liberating values of Freedom, Sovereignty, and Pleasure. Everything I do, think, say, or create is measured by alignment with these three values.

I don't have it perfect; in fact, as I listened to this video today, I saw how I am way off track a lot of the time. I commit to doing better.

Click the picture to watch the video. It is 16 minutes. The content starts at 1:44, after my tech fiddling is done.

Here is what I learned by exploring my own values:

I tend to think that freedom is something that will happen someday, after I earn it, or get things lined up. That's an error in thinking. Freedom is NOW. Live Free now, no matter the external circumstances.

We are born sovereign, and society is designed to make us forget that. Sovereignty is at root trusting myself. It is my relationship to myself, the taproot of power.

Finally, it is absolutely OK for me to want to feel good most of the time. It is OK for me to choose pleasure. (I wasn't raised to believe that is true.)

I promise to expand my capacity for freedom, sovereignty, and pleasure so that I can support you to do the same.

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Carla Sanders